Tennis people are always looking for tennis courts and for strong hitting partners. If you’ve played tennis, you know it’s fun, athletic, good stress-reliever and… it’s somewhat addictive, in a good way. Tennis is certainly never boring as there are always new levels to which one can aspire and … [Read more...]
Things to do around Candlewood Lake Area
Skiing near New York City in Candlewood Lake Area Thunder Ridge Ski Area Only a Train Ride Away!
As you watch the snow falling outside, you can daydream about summer or enjoy the winter attractions that our area offers. The fresh snowfall will provide nice, fluffy trails at our local Thunder Ridge Ski area. Even when the snow falters, as it did earlier this winter, the facility manufactures … [Read more...]
When outdoor time may be limited due to inclement weather, why not head to the New Fairfield Public Library for some fun and educational activities during free time? There is something available for most age groups.MONDAYSWEE ONES: 10:30 -11:00am - even the youngest crowds between 12-23 … [Read more...]
Why I Love Where I Live – Richter Park Golf Course, Danbury CT
The Richter Park Golf Course is considered one of the top 25 golf courses in the United States. It was built in 1971 in a picturesque part of Danbury, the sought-after Aunt Hack area, which is very residential, yet situated close to main roads. Address: 100 Aunt Hack Road Danbury, CT … [Read more...]
October Beauty in Connecticut – Foliage, Apples, Pumpkins and More!
Wondering what you should do over this long week-end? Get in your car, rent a car or even get on the train and come to beautiful Connecticut!Our foliage colors are upon us, the leaves have started turning and we still have lots of greens and flowering shrubs. Some of the colors are brilliant. … [Read more...]
Cemetery Tour in New Fairfield, CT Sunday, Oct 18, 2015
Living History Cemetery Tour New Fairfield, Connecticut Sunday, Oct 18, 2015 Sunday, October 18th, 2015, the Preserve New Fairfield organization will host a LIVING HISTORY CEMETERY TOUR, starting at 1:00PM and continuing throughout the afternoon, with the last tour starting at 3:00PM.WHEN: … [Read more...]
Annual Pumpkin Festival in New Fairfield October 10, 2015
The AnnualPumpkin Festival in New Fairfield has been re-scheduled and will now take place on Saturday, October 10th, 2015.When: October 10, 2015Where: Little Red School House 1 Brush Hill Road New Fairfield, CT 06812 Time: 9:00am - 3:00pm Activities: Pumpkins for sale in … [Read more...]