Home prices in Danbury, CT for February, 2016
Real Estate data for Danbury, CT provided by Olga Simoncelli, Broker/Owner
of Veritas Prime Real Estate.
Danbury is one of the largest cities in Connecticut, yet it is only just under 84,000 in population. The city is located in northern Fairfield County and since it is only about 70 miles from New York City, it is considered to be part of the greater New York metropolitan area. It takes less than 1.5 hours by car to get to Danbury from midtown Manhattan and train service is available as well.
Although Danbury is deemed a “city” based on its population, many parts of it feel more suburban and some even a bit rural, e.g. southern Danbury. Unquestionably part of old New England and its history, the city is also quite cosmopolitan and diverse, with many cultural and dining offerings and is host to the Western Connecticut State University.
Five percent of Danbury’s total area is comprised of lakes, including the southern tip of Candlewood Lake, Connecticut’s largest. Danbury borders the towns of Ridgefield, Redding, Bethel, Brookfield and New Fairfield in Connecticut and New York State’s Putnam County to the west. It neighbors the beautiful Hudson Valley!
Richter Park and Golf Course, Danbury, CT – Photo by Olga
So what’s on the market in this special town?
There are currently 164 single family homes and 139 condo’s on the market in Danbury, CT, which translates to something for everyone’s taste, budget and location.
Single Family Homes for Sale in Danbury, CT
The prices on single family homes in Danbury range from $25,000 for a 2 Bedroom Mobile home to $4,950,000 for a “castle” (as described by seller), approved to be built on nearly 20 acres, replete with 8 Bedrooms, 16 Baths (8 full/8 partial) for a total of 10,000 sq feet. Clearly, there are many choices between those two extremes, including vacation and waterfront cottages or luxury homes.
The average price for a single family home in Danbury is $434,898 and the median $328,950.
Condo Units for Sale in Danbury, CT
The 139 condo units for sale in Danbury, CT currently range in price from $50,000 for a unit of 807 sq ft (10 Franklin St #8) to $699,955 for a new, 2015 townhouse at the Rivington complex. The latter offers 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths, 2,629 sq ft and generous amenities.
The average current price for a condo in Danbury is $263,264 and the median $225,500.
There are ample options to select your perfect property in Danbury, CT.
It is a great place to live, work, dine, play, enjoy the great outdoors and raise a family.
Call me to find out more about Danbury, CT or any surrounding areas.